Listen as audio All I want for my birthday, is a fat load of your cum to ice my face like a cake. I want it to slither down my cheek, cooling as it reaches the corner of my lips, so I can reach out the tip of my tongue and invite it into my mouth. I want it to shoot from your dick and […]
Please, can I wank about you?
Listen as audio Please, can I wank about you? Over you? To you? Thinking of you, and us together, and you alone? Remembering all the dirty, delicious things you’ve done to me and imagining all the sex that’s to come? Looking at all the photos and videos and messages you’ve sent to me, knowing full well what they’d make me do? Please, can I wank […]
First Time Femme Dom
Listen as audio As my finger hovers a centimetre away from their skin, threatening to make contact, they start to beg; they whimper and whine and plead with me to touch them. Their face is contorted, their eyes crumpled closed, as though the lack of touch is causing them excruciating pain. I study them and consider gently pushing my finger into their chest, granting them […]
Making Her Cum
Listen as audio From this perspective, with my face between her thighs, her body looks so beautiful. The undulation of her belly into her chest into her breasts is art. When she moans or gasps or wiggles, there is a wave in her flesh, a delicious rippling which continues into the horizon of her. I could simply look at her body all night. But I […]
Use Me
Listen as audio You seem stressed today, darling. A little frazzled around the edges, as though you’re tired of everything and everyone. What do you need? I know, how about you fuck my throat until it’s raw? I’ll kneel down here in front of you, my hands clasped behind my back, and you can use my mouth however you wish. That’s it, grab my hair; […]
The Fuck That Might Have Been
Listen as audio As their laughter petered out, they glanced at their phone; it was getting late, did I want to share a cab home? I licked the back of my teeth before I answered, yes, please. Their hand found the small of my back as they guided me out the door, into the night. Outside, the air was close but there was a shiver […]
What’s in a name? Pt. 1
Listen as audio The first time I ever sucked dick, we’d just been to McDonalds and it tasted like strawberry milkshake. It was actually my first time in a McDonalds too; what a day. I don’t remember what I did, what it felt like, or what his cum tasted of; but the sight of the smooth pink head of his dick about to split my […]
Please, may I see your dick?
Listen as audio Please, can I see more of you? I see you there, fully clothed, sitting with one leg propped on another, and I can’t help myself; what’s underneath? My eyes are drawn between your thighs again and again because I want to see, I want to know. It’s practically magnetic. My mind has conjured an image of you, but I want to see […]
The Pictures I Send Lovers
Listen as audio Do you want a photo of me? Do you want a shot of my body, my face, my expression as I climax? Do you want something to look at while you’re alone, desperately wishing I was there with you? Do you want something to help you imagine touching me anywhere you want to? Do you want my body to be all yours, […]
Tell Me What You Need
Listen as audio The most intriguing guy had just walked into the hotel bar. I wish I’d seen him enter and watched his strong stride from the far end of the room, but my attention was on the bright laptop screen, freckled with coffee from an accident the week before. I’d rewritten the same sentence 7 times even before my peripheral vision picked up his […]