I don’t just long for you; I yearn. I am restless, I am desperate, I am undone, all while reading the novel of you inside my mind. Every turn of the page sets every inch of me on fire for you. Saying I am horny cheapens it all; my desire for you is richer than a Queen, my slick cunt wetter than the Nile. I […]
Audio Porn / Erotica
The Fuck That Might Have Been
Listen as audio As their laughter petered out, they glanced at their phone; it was getting late, did I want to share a cab home? I licked the back of my teeth before I answered, yes, please. Their hand found the small of my back as they guided me out the door, into the night. Outside, the air was close but there was a shiver […]
Audio Porn / Erotica / Identity / Kinks
What’s in a name? Pt. 1
Listen as audio The first time I ever sucked dick, we’d just been to McDonalds and it tasted like strawberry milkshake. It was actually my first time in a McDonalds too; what a day. I don’t remember what I did, what it felt like, or what his cum tasted of; but the sight of the smooth pink head of his dick about to split my […]