Dating / Polyamory / Romance

A Love Story

There’s a film which some people (me) like to watch at Christmas called The Holiday. It’s a terrible film, which includes a character who is both unable to cry and has been gaslighted by her ex into believing she’s bad at sex. It includes an exchange about foreplay being overrated; it’s trash. But, it’s festive trash. Anyway, the opening scene of the film involves Kate […]

Erotica / Romance

Dear Lover: a love letter

Write me a love letter. Write it in pen, so you commit to every word. Write it on the thickest, most deliciously tactile paper you can afford. Write it and seal it away in an envelope for my eyes only.  Address it to me in our usual way: call me your dove, or your piglet, or your sweetheart, or simply yours. For I am, yours.  […]