Eating Disorders

One Year

CW: binge eating disorder, body dysmorphia Exactly one year ago today, you decided you wanted to get better.  How you came to that decision is still a mystery to you. There was a boredom, a tiredness, of being unwell. Of binging and feeling sick and feeling shit and not being able to move without pain and crying and getting into debt and apologising to and […]

Audio Porn / Erotica / Kinks

Birthday Cake

Listen as audio All I want for my birthday, is a fat load of your cum to ice my face like a cake.  I want it to slither down my cheek, cooling as it reaches the corner of my lips, so I can reach out the tip of my tongue and invite it into my mouth.  I want it to shoot from your dick and […]

Audio Porn / Erotica / Masturbation

Please, can I wank about you?

Listen as audio Please, can I wank about you? Over you? To you? Thinking of you, and us together, and you alone? Remembering all the dirty, delicious things you’ve done to me and imagining all the sex that’s to come? Looking at all the photos and videos and messages you’ve sent to me, knowing full well what they’d make me do?  Please, can I wank […]

Erotica / Sexual Encounters

The Ass Fucking Of My Life

It’s hard to believe, looking at how thick their dick is, that it’s going to fit in my arse. But we agree, as they nibble the tender spot under my ear and I lazily stroke their hardening length against my soft stomach, that we’re both eager to feel it try.  We’ve just woken up in my bed after a big night; getting pissed on rum […]

Erotica / Kinks

Strangers on a Train

I’ve caught them glancing at me a couple of times now. Although, I’ve only caught them because I was doing exactly the same thing.  I can’t help but look at them. I’ve tried not to, because no one wants to be that creep on a train, but they are the most astonishing person I’ve ever seen in my life. And they’re sitting right there, in […]

Erotica / Masturbation / Sexual Encounters

PinkLabel and Chill; Watching Porn Together

It’s Friday night and everything on Netflix is shit. After a long week, we’d designated tonight as movie night: no phones, no lights, tinned cocktails, that popcorn that’s so sugary it sticks your teeth together; just us, propped up in bed next to each other, lit only by the glow of 50 inches of cheap set design and over-acting. Except, we’ve been browsing for 20 […]


The Conundrum

Why do you have to make everything so difficult simply by being you? I want to take my time with you, time to worship every inch of that impossibly sexual body of yours and learn exactly what my touch does to every little bit of it. But I also want you, need you, demand you, now. And I mean, now, right now, because you and […]

Sexual Encounters / Submission

Splash; Getting Used in a Hot Tub

It is a truth universally acknowledged that single men at a sex club are always down to fuck around in a hot tub. So yes, I knew exactly what I was doing when I slid my fishnet body stocking off and stepped down into the warm, bubbling water; I wanted to be fucked around with.  I knew exactly what I was doing when I greeted […]

Audio Porn / Kinks / Sexual Encounters

First Time Femme Dom

Listen as audio As my finger hovers a centimetre away from their skin, threatening to make contact, they start to beg; they whimper and whine and plead with me to touch them. Their face is contorted, their eyes crumpled closed, as though the lack of touch is causing them excruciating pain. I study them and consider gently pushing my finger into their chest, granting them […]

Erotica / Romance


I don’t just long for you; I yearn. I am restless, I am desperate, I am undone, all while reading the novel of you inside my mind. Every turn of the page sets every inch of me on fire for you. Saying I am horny cheapens it all; my desire for you is richer than a Queen, my slick cunt wetter than the Nile. I […]